Episode 137
Team Fortress 2
September 1st, 2016
2 hrs 43 mins 40 secs
Your Hosts
About this Episode
Gary Butterfield and Kole Ross gang up to talk about Team Fortress 2.
For our fifth anniversary show, we wanted to do something special. We wanted to play a classic game with our community, and it turns out choosing Team Fortress 2 was a great move. Team Fortress goes way back, but Valve has taken the formula and engineered and iterated it to the point where it's a joy to play. Huge thanks to everyone who played with us!
- [Battlefield Commander Mode](battlefield.wikia.com/wiki/Commander_(Feature))
- [Norman Rockwell](www.nrm.org/)
- [Who's that Pokemon!?](gearoid.me/pokemon/)
- [4d3d3d3](4d3d3d3.com/)
- [Dam Scene from Vacation](www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnmX4f6VBRw)
- [Expiration Date](www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLlLQ3LmZWU)
- [TF2 PSAs](www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cm2iFmASBc)
- [Muramasa](en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muramasa)